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Wildfire, Forest Fire in the American West

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A New Media Film Festival S.T.E.A.M. award winning production. Ever since we seized fire from nature at the dawn of our civilization it has defined us. We have prided ourselves on our ability to control it and shape it to our needs. But the same fire that fuels our internal combustion engines and powers our industry is overheating our planet. Earth’s rising temperature is stressing our forests and our wildlands and spawning catastrophic wildfires around the globe. In our effort to tame fire, it seems we have made it more feral. Rising spring and summer temperatures in the West have created a fire season that lasts ten weeks longer than in the 1970’s and results in larger and more frequent blazes. These new blazes known as “mega fires” are erupting at a rate seven times greater each year in the past decade and are burning upward of 10,000 acres and sterilizing the earth with their intensity. Utilizing powerful images of these mega fires this film reflects on our relationship with fir

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